Looking Good By The By The

According to Etymonline by with the sense of secondary course as opposed to main course comes from Old English.
By the by the. Not to be confused with. By the by is a phrase that is said before making a comment that is unrelated to the previous topic of conversation. This is also the meaning of the second by also spelled bye in the phrase by the by which dates from the 1610s.
Used when mentioning something that may be interesting but is not particularly important By the by Ian said he might call round tonight. To acquire by exchange or concession. Another way of saying by the way.
A house by the sea. By the by by the bye adv adverb. Words that have the same sound when spoken aloud but which have different meaningsTheyre not as likely to be confused as some other homophone sets such as theyre their and there but as is the case with all homophones confusion is possible.
The True First Edition Meetings With Remarkable Men was published in the 1970s using the same plates as the first edition. To accept or believe. By definition is - in proximity to.
A statement made before comment made in passing. A lousy movie by anyones standards. It may also be used when there is a long silence and the speaker wants to ask a new question.
Drinks breakfast lunch dinner dessert. What makes this trio of words even trickier is the fact that all can be used in idiomatic. Dear you sound so silly when you go off about hawks like that.